I’m Félix López
Software Engineer

5+ years of experience working in design and development of web/mobile projects.


My works

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six hours sharpening my axe."

monkeypox detection app

React Native Web application that uses a pre-trained deep learning model to classify skin lesions images of Monkeypox, Measles, Chickenpox and Normal skin. The model was customized to achieve 96% of precision in the classfication, the app is a project developed for my university's final undergraduate project.

machine learning


react native web

redux saga

redux toolkit

styled components

About Me

About me

"be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
  • Hard Skills: Throughout my career I have focused more on the frontend and have worked mainly with React and all the ecosystem associated with the framework such as: React Native, Redux, Redux Saga, Redux Toolkit, React Native Web, Nextjs, Graphql, Gatsby, Styled Components, etc.

    However I have also worked on several backend projects developing REST API with technologies such as Node and Exress, using varius databases such as PostgreSQL, Mongodb, MySQL and Firebase.

  • Soft Skills: Adaptability, Time Management and Communication are qualities that I apply when working on any project, that, along with my Creativity has been successful in solving problems.

Let's build something
awesome together!

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